St. Procopius Dual Language School Events, Sports, and Clubs

St. Procopius School Parents Committee (SPSPC)
The St. Procopius School Parents Committee is made up of parent volunteers dedicated to the students, families and faculty/staff of St. Procopius School. The committee organizes several community building events and volunteers at the school organized events. Families interested in participating should contact Mrs. Delisia Lule at DLule@stprocopiusschool.org
Throughout the school year, we celebrate various events. Academic, cultural, and community-building events. Our annual Day of the Dead event celebrates the lives of loved ones who have passed away.

St. Procopius School is proud to host a soccer league on our field. We hold spring and fall sessions. Students in Kinder through 4th-grade play in the spring. Students in 5th through 8th grade play in the fall. We have also participated in basketball and volleyball.

St. Procopius School partners with Chicago Chess Foundation for our After School Program Chess Club. Students in 2nd grade through 8th grade have fun as they learn and practice.

Altar Servers
St. Procopius School students from 4th through 8th grade are able to participate in weekly school masses as Altar Servers. Students serve with such care and joy at the Lord's altar and make the weekly services a real school of learning the faith and charity.

St. Procopius School students from 2nd through 8th grade are able to participate in the school choir. The choir practices weekly and sings at all of the school masses as well as several other school events. The choir has participated in the Big Shoulders Fund event singing for thousands of CTA transit riders during the holidays. Our choir is led by school parent, Magaly Cordero-Dietz and is accompanied on the marimba by Christina Martinez.

All of our students from Pre-Kinder through 8th grade visit the school library once a week. Mrs. Welch and Mrs. Reidy choose three books to read aloud to the Pre-Kinder through 2nd grade. Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade are able to take books out and bring them home to read.